Step, step, step. Then it all stops, if a pin dropped from a mm height right now I would be able to hear it. I peer over to my peek hole, and there he was crouching, his eyes reading my soul, silent as death then in a blink of an eye, the darkness was gone, and all that is left was light. 1 hour ago. “hi guys my names Harun and I’m 15 years old and this is my project on me…” I said to my teacher half asleep and the uninterested empty headed class. One kid’s eyes hanging out of there sockets; ‘party animal’ I think to myself as I go on with my presentation. I finish about 2 minutes later and step down from the front and take my place in the back row. I was the first person to go up and already the teacher is out cold and I was soon behind, until I heard a rustle, a crack, I peer back to see a man out the window, dashing behind a tree. “Harun, stop dozing off.” Silence dropped upon the class. Wearing off in moments. Ding dong ding dong. The school bell rings thought the empty corridor for less than a second as the kids rushed out the doors and filled every inch of it. I walk out to see no one they all had left in an instant. The hall silent as the night, until I heard a ring of a phone echo through the halls resonating from the corner up would from where I was standing. A creepy loom drifts down with it. I grab my baseball bat from the locker. I slowly make my way to where the ring came from my heart beating as loud as an explosions and as fast as a train. I make the corner ‘1…2…3…” I think to myself preparing myself for what I might see, but nothing could have prepared me for what I saw because what I was a… walking talking purple sponge. He was with his friend who was a bright green starfish who could also walk and talk. They told me that I was endanger and that if I opened the package that would come to my house in an hour that I would be killed, “yeah, right.” I said in spite. ‘like I would believe a sponge and starfish on my fate’ I thought as I left the school ground. I got home 20 minutes’ lift within the hour of which I left school. ’20 until the package is meant to come’ I thought in a ‘yeah that’s likely” way. I sat down at the TV and flicked it on it shimmered to life and projected Michael bay's newest transformers film: the last knight. Ding dong. the doorbell rings bouncing off every wall in the house. Mum goes to the door and answers it. She walked back in to the lounge and through a box on the couch, and says “it’s yours.” Then walks away. I sit there and stare at it, ‘is this the box they were talking about?’ I thought wondering in a slight bit of fear. I pull my pocket knife out and cut it open inside it were 2 DVDs with no description on it. I throw the top one in the DVD player and a man with a mask on pops up and says “wrong disc kid…” so I ejected it and put the other in and it was a video of a pig that walked on to legs and talked. “ok cool?” I say as I right in my journal what happened today then the man from the last DVD comes up from behind me. “Oh, thanks for the warning me, on the other DVD” I say to him as he hits me over the head with a golf club.